The flushing after drinking: is it true that I’m Alcohol allergy?

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Alcohol allergy: drinking alcohol is an activity that is part of cultures all over the world. Whether it is for socializing, relaxing, or soothing the mind. Of course, drinking alcohol stimulates emotions and increases the fun of conversation. But drinking too much alcohol can cause intoxication, loss of balance, and nausea. Some people may have different symptoms after drinking alcohol than others.

We have probably seen some drinkers or friends who get red in the face, red in the body. Or people who get very drunk even after drinking only a little alcohol . These symptoms may be less common than the general symptoms. Many people may wonder how these symptoms occur and whether they are dangerous. This ยูฟ่าเบท has the answers for you.

Alcohol allergy is when the body’s immune system violently responds to alcohol, causing severe symptoms such as itchy rashes or swelling of the body and face, hives, stomachaches, dizziness, and even anaphylaxis. Which can cause the patient to have difficulty breathing, feel nauseous, vomit, have a weak pulse, and even die. In fact, alcohol allergy is a rare condition. But many people who drink alcohol and have a red face are usually intolerant to alcohol.

                  Alcohol Intolerance is a condition in which the amount of ALDH2 (Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2) is low or normal but does not work well. This condition is cause by genetic abnormalities and mostly occurs in Asians, leading to the informal name Asian Flush. Normally, when alcohol enters the body, the ALDH2 enzyme in the liver metabolizes alcohol so that it does not poison the body. However, when the enzyme is lacking or malfunctioning. It results in the accumulation of toxins, which is the cause of alcohol allergy. Symptoms vary from person to person, such as redness of the body, red face, red eyes, itchy skin rash, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, etc. Because of these similar initial symptoms, people often misunderstand that they are allergic to alcohol.

                  Since this condition is relat to genetics, the severity of symptoms varies from person to person and this condition cannot be completely cure. You can only take antihistamines to relieve symptoms.

Therefore, to reduce the risk of health problems, accidents and crimes. You should avoid drinking alcohol or drink it in moderation and not drink it too often, especially those. With chronic diseases and those taking certain medications.